Where We've Been - Part 1Our journey began in mid-November with the loose intention of spending the winter someplace where freezing temperatures freak people out....
Boredom or Leisure?I sat down to rest for the first time today after working for six hours. I got up, let the dogs out, fed them, expressed Iris's bladder,...
First Impressions of the LifestyleLiving and working on the road is a totally different mindset, mood, and level of (dis)functionality. Like it, love it, hate it, or all...
Newbie-itisWanderlust in an RV is a bittersweet thing. Our second glorious day out ended with loud clanking noises coming from the back of our...
Welcome to MARIStracks!Welcome to MARIS Tracks! For those who don’t know, MARIS stands for Michael, Aria, Roxy, Iris and Skye. Roxy, Iris, and Skye are our...