Welcome to MARIStracks!
Welcome to MARIS Tracks! For those who don’t know, MARIS stands for Michael, Aria, Roxy, Iris and Skye. Roxy, Iris, and Skye are our beloved 4-legged children.
This blog is for the purpose of chronicling our travels, connecting with friends and family and for connecting with others who RV either part-time or full-time. We are new to the RV world and are full-timing it right now. It has been a real adventure, and we are learning as we go! I welcome comments and input!!!
OK, so I had to laugh just now. Michael told me he’s a well-balanced individual and that I can make fun of him on this blog and it wouldn’t upset him. That lead me to think about us. It struck me that while we are both well balanced, that really only means that we carry our baggage equally on either side of the fulcrum. Ha Ha!